Jul 8, 2008

The One about the Diagnosis

Well, we married off Paige and Chance on May 31 and it was a spectacular day. Paige was a beautiful bride; Chance was a smitten groom. Paige planned an amazing wedding and the reception was the most fun party ever. It was truly our family's best day ever!

Then, three weeks later, on June 24, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Wow. The following two weeks have been a whirlwind of doctor appointments or tests every day, being poked and prodded with needles and things that are "radioactive," for Pete's sake!

I have invasive lobular cancer in my right breast. It's a large tumor - 4 centimeters- that's how I found it. It is estrogen fed, which means that taking hormone replacement therapy the past two years may have caused it or at least sped up the growth of the tumor.

Keith and I have been completely positive and full of hope since the minute I was diagnosed. I told Keith that it's times like these when we determine if we really believe what we've always said we believe. Well, we do. Our faith has grown so much in these past days and we KNOW God is in control and we are trusting Him for a successful conclusion of this illness.

Tuesday, July 1, was a tough day. Further test results revealed that there is a second tumor near but separate from the first one. Also, I have one solitary lymph node that is positive with cancer. That's the one thing I had prayed so hard for - that it would not have spread to my lymph nodes. BUT I had a PET scan on Thursday and it showed that there is NO cancer anywhere else in my body!!!! So, the cancer is contained to the right breast, and we can deal with that.

I had a port implanted on Monday afternoon; my first chemo treatment is now officially scheduled for Friday, 7/11, at 11:30 a.m.

Chance's Aunt Susie shared the following verse with Paige and Chance last week and I memorized it and repeated it over and over during the week, especially on Tuesday when I received news that caused me to feel dismayed, and again on Thursday when I was fearful about the PET scan.

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10

God is holding me in His hand and there is no better place to be. Please pray for my strength as I begin chemo treatments; I will admit I am apprehensive about this. But I am anxious to see how He can use me to share my faith and hope in Him; please also pray for my boldness and opportunities to share.

Also please pray for Paige and Chance. This has been so difficult for Paige. But I must brag on her...after her initial shock and fear, she has settled in as my champion and #1 supporter, along with her Dad. She has been buying me books, flavored green tea, house shoes...pampering her mom and discovering the depth of her own faith. Paige's group of close friends has bonded together and begun praying together for me...I am so blessed and I know Paige's faith is being stretched in ways she could have never imagined.


janice wilson said...


I was sorry to hear about your diagnosis, but I know that you will have loving family and friends to walk this path with you. It was good to read about your hope as you face this with God right there by your side.

I have been praying for you and Keith and will continue to do so.

With love,
Janice Wilson

Lisa said...

Hi Valerie,
I thought you looked totally fabulous da-ling this morning at church!
I read your entire blog today for the first time. I smiled through yesterday's blog about your great 2nd chemo, and loved the "prayer quilt", teared up when I read the blog under it about shopping at the wig store, and cried when I read your first blogs after your diagnosis. Your comments about Paige and Keith and your mom and dad are so sweet and so aptly show your love for your family and how blessed you feel.
Do you remember David Wilkerson's little book from the 70's, "the Jesus Person Pocket Promise Book?" Well, I've been reading it over lately and ran across this verse. It's in the Living Bible version, "O my soul, don't be discouraged. Don't be upset. Expect God to act! For I know that I shall again have plenty of reason to praise him for all that he will do. He is my help! He is my God!" Psalm 42:11
Love and blessings on you and your family -
Lisa Lobb

Karen Martin said...

My "kick-cancer" verse is Joshua 1:9; "The Lord your God is with you--wherever you go!" I'm not keen on hospitals, doctor's offices, etc. so it seems to cover all the bases. You are being such a witness for God's goodness!

Noisy Waco apartment neighbors awaken me at 3 am regularly. I devote that time to praying for our church family. You have been thought about during the day as well. It has been good to link with Paige by BU email and phone.

I can envision "General Patton" taking charge and renaming wigs in the store. While I didn't undergo chemo, letting Karl wash my hair in the shower was a huge loss of control. The takeaway was learning at 41 what many spouses don't know until 70 or 80--Our men really meant "in sickness and in health" at the altar!

Sure hope you're joining us for the Hatcher Survivors' Luncheon August 16. It's a treat to see an Anatole ballroom packed with pink!

Blessings and Perseverance,
Karen Martin